Let's assume that we want to create a navigation of this type:
default language (en-US): routes not localized
other languages (it-IT): localized routes
In routes root level add [...lang] directory to catch all routes:
Now let's handle it. Update plugin.ts in the root of the src/routes directory:
importtype { RequestHandler } from'@builder.io/qwik-city';import { setSpeakContext, validateLocale } from'qwik-speak';import { config } from'../speak-config';/** * This middleware function must only contain the logic to set the locale, * because it is invoked on every request to the server. * Avoid redirecting or throwing errors here, and prefer layouts or pages */exportconstonRequest:RequestHandler= ({ params, locale }) => {let lang:string|undefined=undefined;if (params.lang &&validateLocale(params.lang)) {// Check supported locales lang =config.supportedLocales.find(value =>value.lang ===params.lang)?.lang; } else { lang =config.defaultLocale.lang; }// Set Speak context (optional: set the configuration on the server)setSpeakContext(config);// Set Qwik localelocale(lang);};
If you want to handle errors or redirects due to the locale, use layouts or pages. For example you could add in src/routes/layout.tsx:
exportconstonRequest:RequestHandler= ({ locale, error, redirect }) => {// E.g. 404 error pageif (!locale()) throwerror(404,'Page not found for requested locale');// E.g. Redirect// if (!locale()) {// const getPath = localizePath();// throw redirect(302, getPath('/page', 'en-US')); // Let the server know the language to use// }};
Add index.tsx with some translation, providing optional default values for each translation: key@@[default value]:
translations skipped due to dynamic keys: 1
extracted keys: 9
app asset for each language, initialized with the default values we provided.
translations skipped due to dynamic keys is runtime.${key}. During configuration, we provided in runtimeAssets a runtime file, which we can now create and populate with dynamic keys:
We can translate the it-IT files and start the app:
Build the production app in preview mode:
and inspect the qwik-speak-inline.log file in root folder to see warnings for missing values or dynamic keys.
Domain-based routing
Prefix always
If you want to use different domains in production, update speak-config.ts with the domains supported by each locale, and set the prefix usage strategy: