Let's create speak-config.ts and speak-functions.ts files in src folder:
import type { SpeakConfig } from 'qwik-speak';
export const config: SpeakConfig = {
defaultLocale: { lang: 'en-US', currency: 'USD', timeZone: 'America/Los_Angeles' },
supportedLocales: [
{ lang: 'it-IT', currency: 'EUR', timeZone: 'Europe/Rome' },
{ lang: 'en-US', currency: 'USD', timeZone: 'America/Los_Angeles' }
// Translations available in the whole app
assets: [
// Translations with dynamic keys available in the whole app
runtimeAssets: [
import { server$ } from '@builder.io/qwik-city';
import type { LoadTranslationFn, Translation, TranslationFn } from 'qwik-speak';
* Translation files are lazy-loaded via dynamic import and will be split into separate chunks during build.
* Assets names and keys must be valid variable names
const translationData = import.meta.glob<Translation>('/i18n/**/*.json');
* Using server$, translation data is always accessed on the server
const loadTranslation$: LoadTranslationFn = server$(async (lang: string, asset: string) =>
await translationData[`/i18n/${lang}/${asset}.json`]?.()
export const translationFn: TranslationFn = {
loadTranslation$: loadTranslation$
loadTranslation$ is a customizable QRL function: you can load the translation files in the way you prefer
Create plugin.ts in the root of the src/routes directory:
import type { RequestHandler } from '@builder.io/qwik-city';
import { config } from '../speak-config';
* This middleware function must only contain the logic to set the locale,
* because it is invoked on every request to the server.
* Avoid redirecting or throwing errors here, and prefer layouts or pages
export const onRequest: RequestHandler = ({ request, locale }) => {
const acceptLanguage = request.headers?.get('accept-language');
let lang: string | null = null;
// Try to use user language
if (acceptLanguage) {
lang = acceptLanguage.split(';')[0]?.split(',')[0];
// Check supported locales
lang = config.supportedLocales.find(value => value.lang === lang)?.lang || config.defaultLocale.lang;
// Set Qwik locale
We're on the server here, and you can get the language from acceptLanguage, a cookie, or a URL parameter, as you like. But is mandatory to set the Qwik locale
Set the base URL for loading the chunks in the browser in entry.ssr.tsx file:
import { isDev } from '@builder.io/qwik/build';
import type { RenderOptions } from "@builder.io/qwik/server";
import { config } from './speak-config';
* Determine the base URL to use for loading the chunks in the browser.
* The value set through Qwik 'locale()' in 'plugin.ts' is saved by Qwik in 'serverData.locale' directly.
* Make sure the locale is among the 'supportedLocales'
export function extractBase({ serverData }: RenderOptions): string {
if (!isDev && serverData?.locale) {
return '/build/' + serverData.locale;
} else {
return '/build';
export default function (opts: RenderToStreamOptions) {
return renderToStream(<Root />, {
// Determine the base URL for the client code
base: extractBase,
// Use container attributes to set attributes on the html tag
containerAttributes: {
lang: opts.serverData?.locale || config.defaultLocale.lang,